The Encyclopedia of Weapons of World War II : The Comprehensive Guide to over 1,500 Weapons Systems, Including Tanks, Small Arms, Warplanes, Artillery, Ships and Submarines. - مدونة شقيق الروح

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The Encyclopedia of Weapons of World War II : The Comprehensive Guide to over 1,500 Weapons Systems, Including Tanks, Small Arms, Warplanes, Artillery, Ships and Submarines.

The Encyclopedia of Weapons of World War II : The Comprehensive Guide to over 1,500 Weapons Systems, Including Tanks, Small Arms, Warplanes, Artillery, Ships and Submarines.

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Product Description

The Encyclopedia of Weapons of World War II : The Comprehensive Guide to over 1,500 Weapons Systems, Including Tanks, Small Arms, Warplanes, Artillery, Ships and Submarines.
By Chris Bishop | Sterling Publishing
543 pages | 2002 | English | ISBN: 1586637622 | PDF | 75.9 MB
File Host: Mediafire

A lavishly illustrated compendium of military hardware covers everything that fought in the air, on the ground, and on the seas during World War II.
There are more than 500 separate items of equipment used between 1939 and 1945, from combat handguns to massive aircraft carriers. More than 600 full-color artworks accompany entries that feature a detailed history of each weapon's design and development, along with a full specifications table that includes performance, dimensions, armament, and crew details. A must-have for military buffs.

Before James Bond made the Walther PPK a legend, it was used on the battlefields of WWII. Discover the legend and lore of all of the significant arms and artillery pieces since 1939 in this amazing illustrated Encyclopedia of Weapons. Arranged in chronological order from 1939 onward, this easy-to-use encyclopedia organizes weapons into sub-categories for quick navigation. Categories include pistols, rifles, machine guns, field guns, heavy artillery, anti-aircraft guns, and even multiple rocket launchers. This weapon-by-weapon account includes a description of each weapon's development and service record, illustrations and photographs, and a box of detailed technical specifications with both metric and imperial measurements

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By Christopher Dean
This book is a mixed bag. It’s well organized and easy to follow and read with above average numbers of very nice color plates and pictures. However, don’t expect *every* weapon that played a part in the war, or very well could have, to be included yet some weapons were included that didn’t even take part. On the naval side it lacks a lot! Missing ship classes: BC Dunkerques, BB Queen Elizabeth (which includes the BB Warspite which had a very active career), BC Hood, BC Andrea Doria, BC Caio Duilio, CA Baltimore, SS Salmon/Sargo, CL Atlanta, BC Kongo, BB Nagato, BB Ise, BB Tennessee, BB New Mexico, BB Nevada, etc. etc. Don’t expect much in the naval sections at all except some repetitive entries of the same class of ship and skimpy numbers of entries for the rest. On the land weapons side it’s not bad but not spectacular. Some entries are included that are very interesting and not often seen in other books but other critical entries left out and another part that was missing that I feel should have been included are naval anti-aircraft guns which, like usual in many books, are ignored even though they were VERY critical in the war. The details are not bad for what IS included but it is DEFINITELY not (as shown on the cover fold) "the most detailed" of its class of military book... not even close. This book is very much like slapping together a bunch of general purpose military weapons books covering single topics that are NOT comprehensive and putting them in one book. The details are about the same as in any other general purpose weapons book, no better. It is also not the most comprehensive. In the end this is a book that is worth about $20 as a general purpose book for a WW2 weapons enthusiast. On a scale of A-F it’s a C+ at best. Note: I have been researching military weapons for over 20 years and own a wide range of books of varying detail level levels and quality.

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