Tintii Photo Filter 2.6.2 for Adobe Photoshop - مدونة شقيق الروحshro7.net

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Tintii Photo Filter 2.6.2 for Adobe Photoshop

Tintii Photo Filter 2.6.2 for Adobe Photoshop

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Product Description

Tintii Photo Filter 2.6.2 for Adobe Photoshop | 8.00 MB

Tintii Photo Filter — a smart photo filter for striking colour select effects. Also known as colour popping, think of Schindler’s List’s little girl in red, or the dramatic style of Sin City. Available as both a standalone program, and as a Photoshop plug-in.

Tintii Photo Filter:
The main aim of this release is compatibility — tintii now supports 64-bit Photoshop CS4 & CS5 on Windows and 64-bit Photoshop CS5 on the Mac. Windows 7 and Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) support is in there too. The one unfortunate side effect is that I’ve had to remove support for Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) in order to update the source for these later platforms. Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) or later is now required; the older version will still work on Tiger of course.

tintii takes full colour photos and processes them into black and white with some select regions highlighted in colour. The technique is known as colour popping or selective colouring – tintii makes it easy.
Striking colour pops in seconds
Think Schindler’s List’s little girl in red, or the dramatic style of Sin City. tintii takes a colour photo and cleverly separates it into a handful of major hues. You then select which colours to pop, and the rest become black & white.
tintii involves no tedious selections or masking, or rigid preselected colours, just a few mouse clicks and a great colour-select effect. Additional post-processing controls facilitate finer control, such as edge softening and greyscale mixing.
The tintii filter plugin for Adobe® Photoshop®, Photoshop Elements and Corel® Paint Shop Pro® lets you apply selective colour effects in conjunction with tools such as desaturation brushes, scripting and batch processing. The tintii plugin is a great asset in the toolkit of professional or hobbyist photographers, graphic designers and web designers.
A major update of tintii has been released with a raft of new features to take the filter beyond simple selective colour effects. The core of tintii remains the same, with its unique ability to automatically select the dominant colours of a photo. The program now supports hue, saturation and lightness adjustments on individual colours, as well as a new “Hardness” postprocessing slider that is particularly useful when working with subtle gradients.

● Windows 2000, XP, Vista or 7
● Supports Photoshop versions 7, CS, CS2, CS3, CS4 / CS5 (32/64-bit) and Photoshop Elements versions 5 and 6.
● Supports Paint Shop Pro X2, X3 and probably earlier versions.


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